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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

If only this came with autopilot

It's not that I haven't had anything to blog about but lack of energy, ambition, and being down right tired have kept me off the computer. I have wrote blog posts in my head while out in the barn working, but the worst time for me to post is after my husband has made me grumpy. When I'm tired, it usually doesn't take too long to make me grumpy.

  • Yesterday was my parents 31st wedding anniversary. They went out for lobster and steak which is their usual celebration. My anniversary was two weeks from yesterday, and this has me hungry for lobster. I haven't had lobster in a couple years so we should probably go for it right! We have a gift certificate and a coupon from my Entertainment book that is buy one get one free (or up to $8 off). Which I don't think any of their meals at this place are less than 8. Fifteen dollars is probably the average there and their food is so good. I could make a meal out of the salad bar.
  • Kurt proposed to me three years ago today. I asked him if he remember what today was and he started talking about how it was the day his life was over, etc, etc. Instead I told him it was the last day of school.
  • Maclayne had to go to school today until 1:20 and then they are dismissed until September 1. She will actually start summer school on Monday and that runs for three weeks. Summer school is very popular here believe it or not. Mac is signed up for Spanish, art, and playground games. Kind of nice because she is in a routine for three weeks and then we start another routine for swimming lessons. Swimming lessons run all through the summer in two week sessions. This year I decided to decrease my running around with her and hopefully only leave the house once a day.
  • We cut our hay going on a month this coming Monday. Ideally a farmer would like to be able to cut their hay every four weeks. Hopefully this will happen for us because then hopefully we will be able to get more crops of hay off this year. A good year of hay is four crops, but an exceptional year would be five. We could really use four crops of hay this year. So when it's humid and hot and then we get some rain you'll know that is good for hay and it's really good for the corn. I hate the humidity but it helps make good feed for our cows and we need a lot of feed made this year. We have had to buy a lot of hay and almost had to buy corn silage.
  • A week from tomorrow it is tentatively planned that our milk will be going to Red Barn Family Farms. I hope we start making money right away. Our financial situation is no better than we were last year. We are still waiting to hear if we have gotten a loan which really stinks because if we get the loan that would open up our checkbook so we could start paying off items. That would be such a wonderful thing.
  • I'm getting sleepy now. Five hours of sleep at night doesn't do a body good. Last week I took naps two days in a row where I slept for four hours. My body must think it's going to bed so I am out when I lay down. I will be back sooner rather than later this time. I have plenty to blog about specifically June is Dairy Month!

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